I had this song stuck in my head as I was falling asleep last night. Then I started daydreaming (is it still called that at night?) and choreographing a lyrical dance in my head to the song. I haven't taken dance classes in years! I used to be such a hardcore ballerina. LOL! Anyway...I started thinking if I knew of any good male dancers that could dance it with me. I could think of 2 guys that I used to take classes with in Napa but I think they've moved far away. I'm such a weirdo sometimes. Who thinks of these things? =P
When I finally fell asleep, I had a dream that I and some unknown male dancer were dancing the piece I roughly choreograhped in my daydream. Both of my Grandmas were in the audience. My Grandma that only lived like 5 minutes away from me passed away in December and my Grandma that lived in San Diego passed away last month. I was so surprised that both of them visited me in my dreams at the same time. I wonder what that means? I miss them both so terribly.
"Estaras siempre en mi corazon. You're the one in my soul that I live for. Tu amor...."
You are so lovely. <3